SHOCKING NEWS!! Poppy makes a big mistake, she kills Steffy for revenge CBS The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers

In a shocking turn of events, *The Bold and the Beautiful*

delivers a devastating twist as Poppy’s thirst for revenge leads to

an unintended tragedy. After her daughter Luna’s arrest and facing

severe punishment, Poppy’s life spirals out of control. She blames Finn for Luna’s downfall, believing that his indifference towards his cousin’s fate played a crucial role in Luna’s incarceration. Luna is Finn’s cousin, but Poppy can’t comprehend how he could abandon family so easily in favor of Steffy. For Poppy, Luna’s impending sentence weighs heavily on her heart—if her daughter is sentenced to death, Poppy feels she has nothing left to live for.

Unable to cope with the possibility of losing her only child, Poppy becomes consumed with the idea of avenging Luna. Her plan? To make Finn suffer for what he has done. In her grief and anger, Poppy stumbles across a deadly weapon in Luna’s belongings—a bottle of colorless, odorless poison, the same substance Luna used to poison others in the past. Seeing this as her opportunity for revenge, Poppy meticulously plots to poison Finn. She knows he’ll never suspect her, and she relishes the thought of watching him pay for Luna’s suffering.

Poppy puts her plan into motion, slipping the poison into Finn’s drink, believing she’s finally about to exact her revenge. But things go terribly wrong. In a cruel twist of fate, it’s not Finn who consumes the lethal dose—it’s Steffy. Completely unaware of the danger, Steffy drinks the poisoned beverage, and within moments, collapses. Poppy watches in horror as Steffy dies right before her eyes, instantly realizing her grave mistake. The person she wanted to punish was Finn, but instead, Steffy—an innocent party in Poppy’s eyes—pays the ultimate price.

For Poppy, this was never meant to happen. She held no personal grudge against Steffy, recognizing that she too was caught in the whirlwind of Finn’s actions towards Luna. But Poppy’s carefully laid plan has backfired in the worst possible way. What was meant to be a calculated act of vengeance against Finn has turned into a senseless tragedy, and now, she faces the full weight of her actions.A youtube thumbnail with the maxres quality

As Steffy’s lifeless body is discovered, authorities launch an investigation, led by Detective Baker. It doesn’t take long before the trail of evidence points directly to Poppy. While Poppy never intended to kill Steffy, her actions leave her with no defense. Baker uncovers the truth, and Poppy is swiftly arrested. Ironically, Poppy had always been prepared to face the consequences of her actions when she set out to poison Finn. She was fully aware that prison awaited her once her revenge was complete, but she never anticipated that her plot would go so tragically wrong.

Instead of avenging Luna, Poppy now faces the heart-wrenching reality that her quest for justice has cost Steffy her life. Her plan to punish Finn has instead led to her own downfall, leaving her imprisoned not for harming the man she holds responsible, but for the accidental death of an innocent woman.

This latest development in *The Bold and the Beautiful* brings a dramatic and emotional shift to the storyline, as Poppy’s fateful decision leaves devastating consequences in its wake. Fans can expect more turmoil as the fallout from Steffy’s death unfolds, and Poppy’s future behind bars becomes inevitable.

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